Stability problems of steel‐concrete members composed of high‐strength materials

Autor: Zdeněk Kala, Libor Puklický, Abayomi Omishore, Marcela Karmazínová, Jindřich Melcher
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vol 16, Iss 3 (2010)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1392-3730
Popis: The presented paper deals with the stochastic analysis of the ultimate limit states of steel‐concrete building members. The load carrying capacity of steel‐concrete columns, comprising of steel profiles encased in high strength concrete, in compression is analyzed. The first part of the paper lists assumptions for the determination of the theoretical load carrying capacity of the column. Principles of elasticity and plasticity are used to determine stresses in the concrete and steel sections. Statistical characteristics of input material and geometrical imperfections are listed. Results of the theoretical analysis are then compared with results of experimental research. Statistical characteristics of obtained results of the theoretical analysis were verified using statistical characteristics obtained from experimental research. Numerical simulation LHS and Monte Carlo methods, which take into account the influences of variability of input imperfections, were employed. The influence of the utilization of the plastic reserve in the determination of the load carrying capacity of the analysed strut is shown. The influence of the initial geometric imperfections of initial strut curvature on the load carrying capacity is also presented. Santrauka Straipsnyje pateikta plienbetonio pastatu elementu didžiausiu ribiniu būkliu stochastine analize, analizuojama plienbetonio kolonu, sudarytu iš plieniniu profiliuočiu, padengtu didelio stiprio betonu, laikomoji galia gniuždant. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje išvardytos kolonos teorines laikomosios galios nustatymo prielaidos. Tamprumo ir plastiškumo principai taikyti itempiams betono ir plieno skerspjūviuose nustatyti. Nustatytos medžiagu ir geometriniu defektu statistines charakteristikos, teorines analizes rezultatai palyginti su eksperimentiniu tyrimu rezultatais. Teorines analizes metu gautu rezultatu statistines charakteristikos patikrintos taikant iš eksperimentiniu tyrimu gautus statistinius rodiklius. Pritaikytas skaitinis modeliavimas LHS ir Monte Karlo metodais, kurie ivertina pradiniu defektu kintamumo itaka. Parodyta plastiškumo atsargos naudojimo itaka, nustatant analizuojamojo statramsčio laikomaja galia, pateikta pradinio statramsčio išlinkio pirminiu geometriniu defektu itaka laikomajai galiai. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: medžiagos, plienas, betonas, struktūra, defektai, susilpnejimas, patikimumas
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