Varase eesti keele kui teise keele õppemängude kasutusvõimalused ja valikud õpetajate hinnangul

Autor: Heily Leola, Krista Uibu, Aino Ugaste
Jazyk: English<br />Estonian
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat, Vol 20, Pp 133-148 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1736-2563
DOI: 10.5128/ERYa20.08
Popis: Eestikeelsele õppele üleminek toob kaasa vajaduse arendada eesti keele kui teise keele (E2) õppeks sobivat õppevara, sealhulgas luua keeleõppemänge. Uurimuse eesmärk oli välja selgitada õpetajate hinnangud lastele koostatud keeleõppemängude kasutusvõimaluste, valikukriteeriumite ja -põhimõtete kohta. Selleks küsitlesime 50 koolieelse lasteasutuse õpetajat, kellel oli kogemus eesti keelt kui teist keelt kõnelevate laste õpetamisel. Andmete analüüsil kasutasime kombineeritud meetodeid. Õpetajad leidsid, et keeleõppemäng peab aitama omandada sõnavara ja hoidma õpimotivatsiooni. Kõige vähem hinnati võimalust kujundada lapse käitumist õppimisel ja ajaplaneerimisoskust. Mängu valides tähtsustati enim mängu sisuga seotud ja mõnevõrra vähem mängu läbiviimist iseloomustavaid kriteeriumeid. Põhimõtetest nimetati teise keele oskuse arendamist, lapse individuaalsusega arvestamist ja teadmiste kujundamist. Õpetajate hinnangul sobivad varajaseks keeleõppeks sellised mängud, mis arvestavad laste erineva keeletaseme ja huvidega ning aitavad arendada ka teisi õppe- ja kasvatustegevuste valdkondi. *** "Possibilities and selection of games for early Estonian as a second language learning according to teachers’ assessment" One way to acquire a language in an age-appropriate way is to use language-learning games. Previous studies have shown that there is a lack of suitable materials for language learning in preschools, including language-learning games, and teachers consciously do not choose games and rather focus on school-like learning. The transition to learning in Estonian requires the development of learning materials, including creating games that are suitable for learning Estonian as a second language. To support the learning of a second language, teachers must know how to choose games that consider the unique nature of language learning in preschools. The research aimed to determine how teachers assess the possibilities of using language-learning games for children and their selection criteria and principles. Fifty preschool teachers who had experience teaching children who speak Estonian as a second language were surveyed. The data were analyzed using mixed methods. The study revealed that the preschool teachers valued language-learning games as an opportunity to help children acquire a new vocabulary and culture while supporting children's interests and motivation. The teachers believed that language-learning games were not very useful in developing the general skills of children. When choosing language-learning games, the teachers rated most highly the criteria related to the substantive side of the games as, in their opinion, games should contain various exercises and tasks. The teachers proceeded from the principle that, in addition to developing language skills, the game should consider each child’s individuality and integrate other areas of learning into the language game. According to the teachers, games that take into account children's different language levels and interests and also help develop other areas of learning and educational activities are suitable for language learning.
Databáze: Directory of Open Access Journals