Internet das coisas (IoT) e novas dinâmicas da produção agrícola no campo brasileiro

Autor: Mait Bertollo, Ricardo Abid Castillo, Matheus Dezidério Busca
Jazyk: English<br />French<br />Portuguese
Zdroj: Confins, Vol 56
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1958-9212
DOI: 10.4000/confins.47229
Popis: The informational objects used in the Brazilian rural activities spread and expand their participation in activities that result in a potential increase in production. In the agribusiness sector, this system of technical objects such as sensors, equipment and machines, digitally connected through the Internet of Things (Internet of Things or IoT), allows the sharing of large volumes of data of the most varied types with great fluidity, feeding several stages of the production process, such as detection and monitoring of agricultural activities, industrial food processing and meteorological variables predictive analysis. These operations are carried out remotely and automatically by equipment such as smartphones, tablets and computerized agricultural machinery equipped with GPS. Since the advent of the Internet of Things, the growth rate of data production and its transmission speed have increased exponentially and demand the connection of rural establishments and production stages to telecommunications networks. The analysis of the agents involved in the development, diffusion and connection of these systems and the assessment of their impacts on agricultural production allow us to visualize two complementary and contradictory processes in the Brazilian countryside: 1) the deepening of inequalities, arising from the socially and spatially selective diffusion of digital technologies; 2) the potential mitigation of the deleterious effects of the first trend, that is, of the disparities between agents of the upper and lower circuit of agrarian economies, through the diffusion and trivialization of the use of information technologies and internet infrastructures in the context of family farming, valuing the diverse knowledge of small and medium producers and cooperatives.
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