Ten Years Pharmacovigilance Activities in Iran

Autor: G Shalviri, M Valadkhani, R Dinarvand
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol 38, Iss Suppl.1, Pp 162-166 (2009)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2251-6085
Popis: "nThe Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center (ADRMC) in Iran started its activities as a full member of WHO Interna­tional Drug Monitoring Program in 1998. The Center has followed pharmacovigilance activities in the country with the main goal of increasing drug safety and preventing drug-related morbidity and mortality. To achieve its main goals, ADRMC has developed and implemented spontaneous ADR reporting system by health care professionals. In this article we have tried to elaborate on the achievement of the ADRMC in Iran. A total number of 17967 adverse drug events has been col­lected and evaluated by the Center. Evaluation of registered reports has led to 86 drug safety alerts to health care profes­sionals, recall of 23 pharmaceutical products and labeling changes of 30 others, suspension on distribution for 8 medicines and withdrawal from national drug list of 4 different products.
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