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Objective – To compare librarian and LISfaculty open access (OA) self-archivingbehavior.Design – Logistical Regression Analysis.Setting – Twenty top-ranked library andinformation science journals published in 2006.Subjects – A total of 812 research articles inLIS journals.Methods – For the purpose of data collection,the researchers first compiled a list of libraryand information science journals utilizingJournal Citation Reports (JCR) from 2006.Twenty journals were selected by consideringimpact factor and the list compiled waschecked against Ulrich’s Periodicals Directoryfollowing a similar methodology utilized in a2007 article by Anita Coleman. The sampleincluded was representative of both libraryand information science journals, and therewere exclusions of 3 types of journals: freeonline journals where OA participation couldnot be measured; subscription based journalsthat do not supply free articles; and annualreview journals. Here, OA participation or OApractice is considered to be author selfarchivingof articles that are not freelyavailable online. Research articles wereincluded in the sample; however, editorialsand book reviews were excluded. Theresearchers also collected information aboutthe article itself, including the title, name of thejournal and name of the author. Only firstauthor’s status as librarian or LIS faculty wasconsidered in data collection. One difficulty in collecting data about the authors was that their professional status was not always clear. The researchers collected information on whether the author’s status was librarian or faculty; when an author’s status was unclear, researchers searched online to determine it. If the author’s status still could not be determined via online searching, the authors chose to exclude those articles.After the articles were collected, Google Scholar was searched in order to determine OA status. The articles that were deemed OA were opened and if the article was downloadable, it was included; otherwise, it was not included. Researchers also avoided linking to articles through their own library portal which would have allowed for access to articles through their own library’s subscription. Other data was collected using Web of Science and included citation information; length of articles; and number of references, authors, and self-citations.Analysis of data was performed utilizing logistic regression. The researchers selected the professional status (librarian or faculty) as the dependent variable, assigning 1 to librarian status and 0 to faculty status. The independent variables included the OA status of an article, citation count, self-citation counts, number of authors, length in pages, and number of references. Researchers also chose to normalize data by adding one citation to every article in the dataset because many did not receive citations. SPSS was utilized as the statistical analysis tool.Main Results – Researchers were able to recognize a divide with regard to where librarians and librarian faculty publish. Librarians tend to avoid journals that focus on information science and publish more in journals related to the practice of librarianship.After performing the logistic regression analysis, researchers also chose to look at the “dichotomous dependent variable” and the “dichotomous predictor variable.” The dependent variable was article availability in OA and the predictor variable is professional status of the author. They ran a 2X2 contingency table and the p-value was below 0.05; therefore, there was a failure to reject the null hypotheses that there is no difference between librarian and faculty publication behaviors. An odds ratio was also calculated that reveals that librarians are only 1.029 times more likely to self-archive their articles than faculty.Results from the logistic regression model analysis also included information that librarians and faculty have similar behavior with regard to self-archiving the OA version of their publication, and the researchers provide data in table format in order to depict the relationships between predictor variables and dependent variables. With regard to author status and citation counts, faculty have more citation numbers, self-citations are not related to author status, and faculty tend to self-cite more often. Librarians favor co-authorship more than faculty, and faculty articles tend to be lengthier and utilize more references. Effectiveness of the logistic regression analysis was tested using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness of fit and showed that logistic regression analysis was the proper method for analyzing data collected with a 74.8 success rate.According to the article, there is no difference between librarian and faculty with regard to self-archiving OA activity; faculty members receive more citations regardless of OA status; and there are differences between the two with regard to other variables of articles.Conclusion – Because librarians and LIS faculty are considered to be advocates for self-archiving and are often involved with institutional repositories, it is surprising that they are not themselves participating more in self-archiving behaviors. |