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Dansk Artiklen beskriver et udviklingsprojekt fra Institut for Antropologi på Københavns Universitet. Her har studerende i partnerskab med studieleder, underviser og konsulenter samskabt et socialtkonstruktivistisk funderet digitalt læringsrum til brug på feltarbejde. De studerende på feltarbejde er udfordret af, at de ikke er fysisk tilstede på universitetet i et semester på deres kandidat studie, fordi de er i felten og indsamle empirisk data. Den manglende fysiske tilstedeværelse påvirker nærheden til studiet og konsekvensen er, at de studerende oplever ensomhed såvel som et mindre akademisk fokus. Artiklen er rammesat med Conoles 7C læringsdesign og benytter sig af Salmons 5-trins model for opbygning af den digitale undervisning. Formålet med skabelsen af et digitalt læringsrum til er etablere et socialt-fagligt læringsrum som minimerer fornemmelsen af fysisk fravær. Artiklen dækker både, partnerskabsbegrebet som afsæt for undervisningsudvikling, læringsdesign samt opbygning af et digitialt læringsrum og belyser dermed de studerendes mulighed for læring, kommunikation og samarbejde digitialt i løbet af feltarbejdet. Studenterevalueringer og skriftligt kommunikation mellem de studerende fra det digitiale læringsrum vises eksemplificerende. De teoretiske perspektiver og de empiriske eksempler gør det muligt at konkludere, at det samskabte digitale læringsrummulighed for feedback understøtter de studerende både socialt og akademisk gennem deres feltarbejde. English The article describes a development project from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen where students together with the study board, teachers and consultants co-create a digital learning course based on social constructivism thoughts for fieldwork. The fieldwork students are challenged by the fact that they are not physical present at the University for one semester of their master education because they have to generate empirical data in the field. The physical absence complicates the closeness to the department and the consequences have so far been that the students experience loneliness as well as less academic focus during their fieldwork. The article is framed within Conoles 7C learning design model and uses Salmon’s 5-step model for structuring the digital teaching. The purpose of creating a digital learning course is to establish a social and academic learning environment which minimize the felling of physical absence among the students. The article covers both the partnership term for teaching development, the learning design, as well as the creation of a digital learning platform and highlights thereby the student’s possible learning, communication and corporation in a digital environment during fieldwork. Student evaluations as well as online written communication among students from the digital platform are used for exemplification. The theoretical perspectives and the empirical data enable a conclusion which frames that the integrated options for feedback in the co-created digital learning platform support the students in both social and academic ways during their field work. |