Genetic study in patients operated dentally and anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine

Autor: López-Valverde N, López-Valverde A, Gómez de Diego R, Cieza-Borrella C, Ramírez JM, González-Sarmiento R
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Pain Research, Vol Volume 12, Pp 1371-1384 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1178-7090
Popis: Nansi López-Valverde,1 Antonio López-Valverde,1 Rafael Gómez de Diego,2 Clara Cieza-Borrella,3 Juan M Ramírez,4 Rogelio González-Sarmiento31Dental Clinic, Department of Surgery, Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca (IBSAL), Salamanca, Spain; 2Dental Clinic, Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid, Spain; 3Molecular Medicine Unit, Department of Medicine, Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca (IBSAL), Salamanca, Spain; 4Department of Morphological Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, SpainAims: In this study we wanted to figure out if there was a correlation between OPRM1 N40D, TRPV1 I316M, TRPV1 I585V, NOS3 −786T>C and IL6 −174C>G polymorphisms and the response to locally applied articaine-epinephrine anesthetic.Methods: In this observational study, 114 oral cell samples of patients anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine (54 from men 60 from women), were collected from dental centers in Madrid (Spain). High molecular weight DNA was obtained from oral mucosa cells. The analysis of OPRM1 N40D (rs1799971), TRPV1 I316M (rs222747), TRPV1 I585V (rs8065080) and IL6 −174C>G polymorphism was performed through real-time PCR allelic discrimination using TaqMan probes. Polymorphism NOS3 −786T> C (rs2070744) was analyzed using RFLP-PCR.Results: The studied polymorphisms are involved neither in the response to the anesthetic, nor in the intensity of perceived dental pain. However, in a subset of female patients we found that TRPV1 I316M was associated with a delayed onset of anesthesia.Conclusions: There is no association among these polymorphisms and the time elapsed between the application of the anesthetic and the onset of its effect.Keywords: Pain, polymorphism, OPRM1, TRPV1, NOS3, IL6
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