Quantitative Landslide Risk Assessment for Residential Slopes in Indrapuri, Pekanbaru, Indonesia: A Blueprint Sustainable Housing

Autor: Misriani Merley, Joleha Joleha, Elianora Elianora, Shalahuddin Muhammad, Novan Andre, Gianda Rama
Jazyk: English<br />French
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 593, p 14001 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2267-1242
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202459314001
Popis: Hilly areas that are cut and then filled to be used as land for housing development are very important to conduct landslide risk investigations. Previous studies have not investigated whether housing developments in Indrapuri, Pekanbaru, pose a significant landslide risk. This study investigates the risk of landslides on residential slopes to protect infrastructure in safe and sustainable housing development. This study uses quantitative methods, including conducting soil tests in the field, soil tests in the laboratory, and analyzing slope stability against landslide hazards. Slope stability identification was carried out at 4 location points, from slope heights of 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, and 5 m, assuming that the soil layer at each height was uniform. The slope of the slope at the 4 points of the location is the same, which is 68°. The identification of slope safety factors was carried out using the Fellenius method. The results of slope stability analysis using the Fellenius method show that the slope is in a safe condition with a safety factor value between 1.65 4.54. The recommendation from the results of this study is that housing development can be continued. However, even though it is within safe limits, the author recommends not to increase the height and slope of the slope so that the safety of the slope is reduced
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