Unbounded-energy solutions to the fluid+disk system and long-time behavior for large initial data

Autor: Ferriere, Guillaume, Hillairet, Matthieu
Jazyk: English<br />French
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Vol 361, Iss G2, Pp 453-485 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1778-3569
DOI: 10.5802/crmath.357
Popis: In this paper, we analyse the long-time behavior of solutions to a coupled system describing the motion of a rigid disk in a 2D viscous incompressible fluid. Following previous approaches in [4, 15, 17] we look at the problem in the system of coordinates associated with the center of mass of the disk. Doing so, we introduce a further nonlinearity to the classical Navier Stokes equations. In comparison with the classical nonlinearities, this new term lacks time and space integrability, thus complicating strongly the analysis of the long-time behavior of solutions.We provide herein two refined tools: a refined analysis of the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequalities and a thorough description of fractional powers of the so-called fluid-structure operator [2]. On the basis of these two tools we extend decay estimates obtained in [4] to arbitrary initial data and show local stability of the Lamb-Oseen vortex in the spirit of [7, 8].
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