Optimasi Produksi Hidrolisat Protein Ikan Kuniran (Upeneus sulphureus) Secara Enzimatis

Autor: Dewi Seswita Zilda, Gintung Patantis, Yusro Nuri Fawzya, Pujoyuwono Martosuyono
Jazyk: indonéština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, Vol 16, Iss 2, Pp 151-161 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1907-9133
DOI: 10.15578/jpbkp.v16i2.782
Popis: Karakteristik hidrolisat protein ikan (HPI) dipengaruhi oleh kondisi proses hidrolisisnya. Optimasi produksi HPI kuniran (Upeneus sulphureus) telah dilakukan secara enzimatis dengan perlakuan perbandingan ikan dan air (1:1 dan 1:2) dan penambahan enzim protease 500 U, 1.000 U, dan 1.500 U per 25 g ikan. Nilai derajat hidrolisis (DH) HPI digunakan untuk menentukan kondisi optimum produksi HPI. Berdasarkan kondisi optimum tersebut, produksi HPI skala diperbesar dilakukan dengan 500 g ikan kuniran sebagai bahan baku. Karakteristik HPI skala diperbesar yang diamati adalah karakteristik kimia (air, abu, protein, lemak, asam amino, daya cerna protein, peptida, dan berat molekul) dan fisik (warna, aktivitas, dan stabilitas emulsi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan ikan, air, dan jumlah enzim berpengaruh terhadap nilai DH HPI. Pada skala produksi HPI diperbesar, karakteristik kimia dari HPI kuniran secara umum dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan perlakuan hidrolisis, tetapi tidak sifat fisiknya. Perbedaan kandungan protein, abu, dan peptida dari HPI lebih dominan dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan perlakuan perbandingan ikan dan air, sedangkan kombinasi perlakuan jumlah enzim dan perbandingan ikan dan air berpengaruh terhadap kandungan asam amino dan daya cerna protein HPI. Secara umum, perlakuan hidrolisis menggunakan enzim 1.000 U/25 g dan perbandingan ikan dan air 1:1 (kode E1000A11) memberikan perlakuan terbaik yang terlihat dari kandungan protein, asam amino, peptida, dan daya cerna tertinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lain. Kandungan kimia dan daya cerna yang tinggi tersebut memberikan peluang aplikasi HPI sebagai penambah nutrisi bagi balita. ABSTRACT The characteristics of fish protein hydrolyzate (FPH) are affected by their hydrolysis process conditions. Production optimization of FPH kuniran (Upeneus sulphureus) has been carried out enzymatically with treatments of fish and water ratio (1: 1 and 1: 2) and protease enzymes 500 U; 1,000 U, and 1,500 U per 25 g fish. The degree of hydrolysis (DH) value of FPH was used to determine the optimum conditions of FPH production. Based on this optimum condition, the enlarged production of FPH (500 g of fish) was carried out. Chemical characteristics (moisture, ash, protein, fat, amino acids, protein digestibility, peptide, and molecular weight) and physical (color, the emulsion activity, and stability) of FPH from enlarged production were analyzed. The results showed that the ratio of fish and water and the amount of enzyme affect the DH value of FPH. At the enlarged scale, the chemical characteristics of FPH kuniran were generally influenced by different hydrolysis treatments but not their physical properties. The differences in protein, ash, and peptide content of FPH were more dominantly affected by differences in the fish and water ratio, while the combination treatments of the enzymes and the ratio of fish-water affected the amino acid content and protein digestibility of FPH. In general, the hydrolysis treatment using a 1,000 U enzyme/25 g fish and the ratio of fish and water 1:1 (code E1000A11) was the optimum treatment as seen from the highest protein, amino acid, peptide, and protein digestibility compared to other treatments. The high chemical content and digestibility of FPH provide an opportunity application of FPH as a nutritional enhancer for toddlers.
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