Moss Bags as Biomonitors of Atmospheric Microplastic Deposition in Urban Environments

Autor: Carter Bertrim, Julian Aherne
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Biology, Vol 12, Iss 2, p 149 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2079-7737
DOI: 10.3390/biology12020149
Popis: Microplastics (plastic particles Pleurozium schreberi) bags were exposed in duplicate at nine deployment sites across a gradient of urban intensity in southern Ontario, Canada. A total of 186 microplastics (mp) were detected in the moss bags, resulting in a mean accumulation of 7.9 mp g−1 dry weight moss across all sites during the exposure period (45 days). The median microplastic length was 0.56 mm (range 0.03–4.51 mm), and the dominant microplastic type was fibres (47%), followed by fragments (39%). Microplastic accumulation significantly increased with urban intensity, ranging from 3.7 mp g−1 in low-density suburban areas to 10.7 mp g−1 in densely populated and trafficked urban areas. In contrast, microfibres by proportion dominated in suburban (62%) compared with urban areas (33%). Microplastic deposition was estimated to range from 21 to 60 mp m−2 day−1 across the nine deployment sites. The results suggest that moss bags may be a suitable technique for the active biomonitoring of atmospheric microplastic deposition in urban environments.
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