The Cananeia Alkaline Body in the South Coast of São Paulo State: Mineral Chemistry

Autor: Celso de Barros Gomes, Fernando Pelegrini Spinelli
Jazyk: English<br />Portuguese
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Geologia USP. Série Científica, Vol 9, Iss 1, Pp 1-13 (2009)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1519-874X
Popis: The Cananeia alkaline occurrence of Late Cretaceous age (Ar-Ar, 83.6 Ma) lies in the Ribeira Valley and it is representedby two small bodies: Morro de São João (1.8 km2) in Cananeia Island, and Morrete (0.4 km2), in the neighboringComprida Island. It is covered by Quaternary sediments and mostly constituted by intrusive rocks of syenitic composition,assembled into two principal groups: alkali feldspar syenites and quartz-alkali feldspar syenites. Microsyenites of variabletexture are subordinate. Regarding the mineralogy, the rocks are very rich in feldspars, mesoperthite being the most abundantphase, and plagioclase is only occasionally found as isolated crystals. Mafi c minerals consist dominantly of clinopyroxenesand amphiboles, both belonging to the calcic, calcic-sodic and sodic groups and showing signifi cant chemicalvariations, such as the increase in the Fe/Mg ratio and Na content, and the decrease in Ca, as a function of the degree ofevolution of the rocks. Textural relationships show that clinopyroxene reacts to form amphibole. Biotite is common, mainlyin association with amphibole and opaques. Biotite and opaques together are found at the borders of amphibole grainsor concentrated along their fractures and cleavage planes. Fayalitic olivine is rarely preserved. Most common accessoriesinclude opaques, mainly magnetite with exsolved ilmenite lamellae, apatite, titanite and zircon. Late to post-magmatic alterationprocesses can explain the replacement textures shown by the principal primary minerals and the exsolution structuresfound in feldspars and opaques.
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