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ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters and individual and maternal breed, heterosis, and recombination loss effects for milk production and fertility traits of Holstein Friesian (F), Jersey (J), and crossbred Holstein Friesian and Jersey (F × J) cows milked once daily (OAD) or twice daily (TAD) in New Zealand. Data on 278,776 lactations from 30,217 OAD and 170,680 TAD milking cows across 644 spring-calving herds were available. Genetic parameters and individual and maternal breed, heterosis, and recombination loss estimates were obtained from univariate animal models. Heritability and repeatability estimates for milk production, milk composition, and fertility traits were consistent across the milking frequencies. Heritability estimates for yields of milk, fat, protein, and lactose varied between 0.21 and 0.29 in OAD and TAD. Heritability estimates for fertility traits ranged from 0.01 to 0.08 in both populations, and estimates were slightly greater in TAD than OAD milking cows. In both milking populations, individual breed effects for yields were in favor of F cows; however, maternal breed effects for yields were in favor of J dams. Jersey cows were more fertile than the F cows in both milking populations, but maternal breed effects for fertility traits were in favor of F dams. Individual heterosis effects were favorable for all traits and were consistent across milking regimens. Crossbred F × J cows had significantly shorter intervals from start of mating to first service and from start of mating to conception, and a higher proportion of 3-wk submission, 3-wk in calf, and 3-wk calving relative to the average of purebred F and J cows. Recombination loss effects were not always unfavorable for production and fertility traits, but most estimates were small with larger standard errors. Favorable maternal heterosis effects were associated with production traits in both milking systems, but maternal heterosis effects were less likely to influence reproductive performance. |