Le monde, la terre et l’Europe moderne. Retour sur les processus de production et de mobilité des savoirs dans les espaces de la catholicité entre xvie et xviie siècle

Autor: Antonella Romano, Catherine Brice, Guillaume Gaudin
Jazyk: English<br />French
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Diasporas: Circulations, Migrations, Histoire, Vol 29, Pp 71-89 (2017)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1637-5823
DOI: 10.4000/diasporas.749
Popis: Resulting from a dialogue with colleagues interested in different aspects of history, this paper offers a historiographical and methodological reflexion on her book Impressions de Chine. L’Europe et l’englobement du monde (xvie-xviie siècles) (Paris, Fayard, 2016). The discussion developed around three major points: global history and its epistemological aspirations; the spatial turn, knowledge related to space and how its production is articulated between field observation, interactions with local actors and armchair knowledge; the part played by the Iberian empires in the process of material and intellectual encompassing of the globe at that time.
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