Die verband tussen tydoriëntasie, diepte-oriëntasie en lokus van kontrole

Autor: J. W. Louw, I. Van W Raubenheimer
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, Vol 16, Iss 3, Pp 11-15 (1990)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 0258-5200
DOI: 10.4102/sajip.v16i3.511
Popis: The relationship between time orientation, depth orientation and locus of control. The purpose of this study was to find an application for the 4-D theory within the field of personality, by establishing the relationships between locus of control, time orientation and depth orientation. The hypotheses set with regard to these relationships were generally confirmed, and significant differences were found between the two sexes. This study provides further evidence of the scientific value of the 4-D theory as a general classification theory of human behaviour, and also stresses the role of control relationships in different life situations as important explanatory variables in the study of behaviour. Opsomming Die doel met hierdie studie was om 'n toepassing vir die 4-D teorie binne die veld van persoonlikheidsfunksionering te vind, deur die verwantskappe tussen die konstrukte lokus van kontrole, tydoriëntasie en diepteorientasie te ondersoek. Die hipoteses met betrekking tot hierdie verwantskappe, kon oor die algemeen aanvaar word. Betekenisvolle verskille is ook tussen die twee geslagte gevind. Hierdie studie verskaf verdere ondersteunende bewyse vir die wetenskaplike waarde van die 4-D teorie as algemene klassifikasieteorie van menslike gedrag, en beklemtoon die rol van kontroleverhoudings in verskillende lewensituasies as belangrike verklaringsmeganismes vir die bestudering van gedrag.
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