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Person re-identification is a challenging task due to the lack of person image information in occluded scenarios. The current methods for person re-identification only take into account global information, neglect local information, and are not responsive to changes in input. Additionally, these methods do not address the issue of inaccurate joint detection caused by occlusion. In this paper, we propose an occluded person re-identification method based on a graph model and deformable method, which is able to simultaneously focus on global and local information and can flexibly adapt to local information and changes in the input, efficiently resolving issues such as occluded or incorrect joint information. Our method consists of three modules: the mutual help denoising module, inter-node aggregation and update module, and graph matching module. The mutual help denoising module acquires global features and person skeleton node features using a CNN backbone network and a pose estimation model, respectively. It uses symmetric deformable graph attention to obtain the local and global features of the joint points in different views, correcting the information of incorrect nodes and extracting favorable human features. The inter-node aggregation and update module employs deformable graph convolution operations to enhance the relations between the nodes in the same view, resulting in higher-order information. The graph matching module uses graph matching methods based on the human topology to obtain a more accurate similarity calculation for masked images. Experimental results on the Occluded-Duck and Occluded-REID datasets show that our proposed method achieves Rank-1 accuracies of 64.8% and 84.5%, respectively, outperforming current mainstream methods such as HOReID. Our method also achieves good results on the MARKET-1501 and DukeMTMC-ReID datasets. These results demonstrate that our proposed method can extract person features well and effectively improve the accuracy of person re-identification tasks. |