Autor: L. A. Voyevodina, O. V. Voyevodin
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Научный журнал Российского НИИ проблем мелиорации, Vol 37, Iss 1 (2020)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2222-1816
DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-1-183-199
Popis: The purpose of this article was to disclose a step-by step procedure for creating an agricultural consumer cooperative with the functions of a reclamation park, which may include the participation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Land Reclamation and Agricultural Water Supply Management”. In the course of legal documents analysis the sequence of actions of persons concerned was determined when creating a brownfield-type reclamation park with the involvement of owners whose land is located within the reclamation park being created on the basis of organization of an agricultural consumer servicing distributing processing cooperative. The main positive aspects of creating a cooperative – reclamation park were determined. Among them are the following: the creation of an association of small forms of ownership capable of meeting the demands in constructing a new or reconstructing the existing reclamation system, while using it it’s possible to expand the range of cultivated crops and arrange their further sale, storage or processing; maintaining the independence of farms entering a cooperative – reclamation park; the opportunity for FSBI “Land Reclamation and Agricultural Water Supply Management” to participate in a cooperative – reclamation park; the possibility of obtaining budget support; a simplified tax system. Conclusions. The work revealed the absence of any information on the experience gained in the Russian Federation in organizing agricultural consumer cooperatives in the field of providing land reclamation services, although the law “On Agricultural Cooperation” provides such an opportunity.
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