Integration between Green Quality Function Deployment, Modularity Concept and Life Cycle Assessment Toward Sustainable Product Design

Autor: Prastawa Heru, Hartini Sri, Anshori Mohamat, Hans Siechara, Wimba Christoper
Jazyk: English<br />French
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol 159, p 02070 (2018)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2261-236X
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201815902070
Popis: The design phase is recognized as a key phase in the application of sustainable manufacturing concepts. Green Quality Function Deployment (GQFD) and modularity play an important role in product design. Green Quality Function Deployment produces technical parameters that represent the needs of consumers while taking into account environmental aspects. Modularity benefits manufacturing and flexibility in facing adjustments and changes. Integration of GQFD and modularity is expected to generate synergistic gains from both. The results are measured by life cycle assessment (LCA) to determine the impact of the product on the environment. This study shows that GQFD, modularity and LCA integration in realizing sustainable product design is worthy of consideration. The case study was conducted with the fan because the product is very needed in the tropics, such as Indonesia.
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