A novel method for computation of temperature profile of turbine disk

Autor: Weilin DONG, Suofang WANG, Jiajia NIU
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol 12, Iss 2, Pp JTST0038-JTST0038 (2017)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1880-5566
DOI: 10.1299/jtst.2017jtst0038
Popis: A novel temperature computation method of turbine disk is proposed according to theoretical analysis, where the coupling analysis of the outer surface in disk and fluid relative to this outer surface was carried out, instead of the segregation condition (constant wall temperature or constant wall heat flux condition). The selected correlations, numerical and experimental data of the heat transfer coefficient are presented and compared, so are the theoretical and simulated temperature profiles. The results show that: The maximum temperature deviation coefficient (φT) between the theoretical results and simulation data is less than 8.7% while ReΦ = 4.65×105, Cw = 7520, Rem = 5×105. The convective heat transfer coefficient distributions at the disk outer surface exhibited the influence of region A and region B. The convective heat transfer is dominated by the mass flow rate of cooling air in region A, while dominated by the mainstream mass flow rate in region B. The temperature of the turbine disk decreases with the mainstream mass flow rate increasing, especially at the high radius of turbine disk, while the overall temperature of turbine disk decreases with the increase of cooling air mass flow rate. Both the hr and hz increase with the ReΦ increasing, leading to a minor increase in temperature of turbine disk eventually.
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