Impacto da Duplicação de CO2 no Clima Global Simulado por um Modelo de Circulação Geral da Atmosfera

Autor: Felipe das Neves Roque da Silva, José Ricardo Almeida França
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, Vol 27, Pp 27-52 (2004)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 0101-9759
Popis: The objective of this work is to evaluate climate changes caused byatmospheric CO2 concentration duplication. The LMD-Z atmosphere ge-neral circulation model (AGCM) was used (Laboratoire de MétéorologieDynamique - France). The model was integrated for a fifty years periodand only the last forty years were used for analyses. This experiment havemade two simulations: the first using the current CO2 concentration (controlcase) and the second using this concentration doubled (duplication case).Both were made with a variable spatial resolution with maximum of itcentered in Rio de Janeiro. This way, there is a significant increase ofmodel resolution in this region. To verify climate changes, anomaly fieldsgenerated by the model (duplication case minus control) were studied. Itwas possible to observe some characteristic effects of this type ofexperiment, such as great temperature increasing at surface in polar regionsand in upper levels at low latitudes, cooling in stratosphere andintensification of hydrological cycle.
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