Integral data assimilation of the MERCI-1 experiment for the nuclear data associated with the PWR decay heat computation

Autor: Huyghe J., De Saint-Jean C., Lecarpentier D., Reynard-Carette C., Vaglio-Gaudard C., Vallet V.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 211, p 07004 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2100-014X
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201921107004
Popis: Nuclear decay heat is a crucial issue for PWR in-core safety after reactor shutdown and back-end cycle. It is a dimensioning parameter for safety injection systems (SIS) to avoid a dewatering of the reactor core. The decay heat uncertainty needs to be controlled over the largest range of applications. The assimilation of the MERCI-1 experiment was studied to provide feedbacks on nuclear data. This experiment consisted in the measurement of the decay heat of a PWR UOX fuel sample irradiated in the OSIRIS reactor, for cooling times between 45 minutes and 42 days. More specifically, the consideration of several experimental values of MERCI-1 at different cooling times was tested. This raised issues about correlations to consider between different measurements. Besides, the impact of considering correlations between independent fission yields in covariance matrices on the decay heat uncertainty calculation and on the feedbacks on nuclear data is discussed.
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