Viie ukraina juurtega pere keelepoliitika mudelid Eesti kontekstis

Autor: Elvira Küün
Jazyk: English<br />Estonian
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat, Vol 17, Pp 159-176 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1736-2563
DOI: 10.5128/ERYa17.09
Popis: Artiklis kirjeldatakse Eestis elava viie ukraina juurtega pere keelekasutustavasid ning püütakse välja selgitada, miks saadab mõnda perekonda oma etnilise rahvusvähemuse keele säilitamisel edu ning teist mitte. Uurimismeetodina on kasutatud nii poolstruktureeritud intervjuud kui ka suunatud kvalitatiivset sisuanalüüsi. Uurimistulemusi käsitletakse juhtumiuuringu põhimõtteid järgides. Selgus, et lapsevanemad peavad pühapäevakooli oluliseks institutsiooniks nii oma laste silmaringi arendamisel üldhariduslikus mõttes kui ka ukraina juurte teadvustamisel. Lisaks näevad uuritud perede lapsevanemad pühapäevakoolis ka kompenseerivat vahendit, mis aitab lastel üldse kuulda ukraina keelt ja oma pärandkeelt väärtustama õppida. *** Models of family language policy of five families with Ukrainian roots in the Estonian context The external language management tool for the acquisition of the Ukrainian language and culture, which all of the studied families used, was sending their children to the Ukrainian Sunday school operating in Maardu. Both the teacher and the parents noticed that the school had a positive influence on the development of Ukrainian vocabulary in the children who attended. Another important point added was that this organisation has helped stimulate the children’s interest in and love for Ukraine, becoming better aware of their roots and perceiving their identity. Moreover, one of the language managers highlighted that the Ukrainian national holidays celebrated in the Sunday school bring the entire community with Ukrainian roots closer together and help revive older Ukrainian national traditions that are already sinking into oblivion even among Ukrainians themselves. Joint events to which also the children’s and young people’s parents are welcome strengthen the feeling of national cohesion, also giving the opportunity to use the Ukrainian language in the Estonian context. The study reveals that in the success of family language policy, in terms of external language management tools, it is namely the children’s and young people’s opportunity to participate in the activities of the Ukrainian language and culture Sunday school that plays a certain role. Ensuring consistent use of and exposure to the language of origin can also symbolise the subjective strength of the ethnic roots.
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