Analysis of directions for improvement of flight simulators

Autor: Roganov Vladimir, Dolgovesov Boris, Asmolova Ekaterina, Chetvergova Maria
Jazyk: English<br />French
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 460, p 04037 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2267-1242
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202346004037
Popis: The modern development of science and technology makes it possible to modernize imitators for an aviation simulator and increase the number of training situations. This allows you to improve the professional skills of pilots. The development of most imitators is the development of programs for a specialized computer. Modern integrated aviation simulators are designed to teach pilots how to fly an aircraft in special flight situations, or training situations. The increase in training situations is the main task facing the developers of aviation simulators. Improvement of imitators allows to increase the number of training situations. This is possible if the imitators are upgraded to take into account the new capabilities of available software and new hardware. The existing integrated aviation simulators are designed to train pilots in the process of controlling an aircraft. It is impossible to create a complete model of any aircraft unit. Therefore, imitators for flight simulators were developed for training pilots only in special flight conditions. Therefore, the task of developing a imitator is the use of available software and available hardware to develop information processes that inform the pilot as much as possible when solving problems of controlling the aircraft model. Studies have shown that it is expedient to develop imitators taking into account the formation of individual components of the pilot's cognitive model, in which his experience in solving problems of aircraft control and experience in solving navigation problems is deposited. The article considers the main directions for improving imitators for flight simulators, taking into account their impact on the given components of the pilot's cognitive model.
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