Fizičko-hemijske i tribološke karakteristike motornog i menjačkog ulja kao parametar stanja tribomehaničkog sistema / Physicochemical and tribological characteristics of motor oil and transmission fluid as tribomechanical system status parameters

Autor: Sreten R. Perić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Vojnotehnički Glasnik, Vol 56, Iss 1, Pp 64-73 (2008)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 0042-8469
DOI: 10.5937/vojtehg0801064P
Popis: Identifikacija stanja tribomehaničkih sistema bez narušavanja njegove funkcije, u uslovima gde se otkazi javljaju prvenstveno usled habanja elemenata i promene svojstava podmazujućeg sredstva, ima ogromne tehničke i ekonomske efekte. Sve prisutnija istraživanja na tribometrima objašnjavaju se nemogućnošću da se ispitivanjima realnih sistema obuhvati kompleksnost procesa trenja i habanja, kako po karakteru odvijanja fizičko-hemijskih procesa, tako i međusobnoj povezanosti velikog broja relevantnih parametara. Ispitivanje fizičko-hemijskih i triboloških karakteristika u funkciji utvrđivanja stanja tribomehaničkog sistema ima za cilj identifikaciju pramena na elementima tog sistema. Odgovarajućim uzorkovanjima i ispitivanjima u toku eksploatacije tribomehaničkog sistema, na osnovu prikazanog modela u radu, moguće je identifikovati stanje elemenata sistema i predvideti njegovo dalje ponašanje u eksploataciji, radi preventivnog održavanja. / The increasingly present investigations into tribometers can be explained by impossibility to embrace the complexity of the processes of friction and wear by investigating real systems, both by character of the physicochemical processes unfolding and mutual interrelations of a large number of influential parameters. The basic characteristics of examinations of tribometers are simplicity of their construction, low cost of conducting experiments, reduced experimenting time and a possibility to easily modify and control input variables. The application of tribology, and especially tribometry, regarding identification of the status of tribomechanical systems, aims to identify conditions and changes in processes and elements of tribomechanical systems. By adequate sampling and tribological investigations during tribomechanical system exploitation, on the basis of the model presented in this paper, it is possible to identify the status of a tribomechanical system and to predict its future behavior in exploitation, with purpose of preventive maintenance.
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