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The role of the First South African Infantry Division in the first Battle of El Alamein, 1-30 July 1942. The First Battle of EI Alamein (1-30 July 1942) was the turning-point in the course of the Second World War in North Africa. Under the command of Gen. C.J.E. Auchinleck, the British Eigth Army finally succeeded in halting the advance of Erwin Rommel, the able German general, to the Suez Canal. Through drastically changing the British battle strategy, Auchinleck prepared the way for Gen. B.L. (Monty) Montgomery's later triumph at the Second Battle of EI Alamein in October 1942. Auchinleck's July success was due in no small manner to the stubborn resistance of the Fifth Indian Division, the First South African Division and the Ninth Australian Division. This prevented Rommel from breaking through the Eighth Army's positions between Ruweisat Ridge and the Mediterranean Sea. These battles also emphasized the leadership quality of Gen. Dan Pienaar and his fellow South African officers. |