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SPNeodeath dataset includes births and deaths of infants during the neonatal period from São Paulo city between 2012 and 2018, containing more than 1.4 million records. The dataset was created from SINASC and SIM Brazilian information systems for births and deaths respectively. SINASC comprises information about demographic and epidemiological data for the infant, mother, prenatal care and childbirth. SIM collects information about mortality, and it is used as the basis for the calculation of vital statistics, such as neonatal mortality rate. SIM was only used to label records from SINASC, when the death happened until 28 days of life. SPNeodeath has 23 variables with socioeconomic maternal condition features, maternal obstetrics features, newborn related features and previous care related features, besides a label feature describing if the subject survived, or not, after 28 days of life. In order to build the dataset, DBF files were downloaded from DATASUS ftp repository and converted to CSV format, the R programming language, and then the CSV files were processed using Python programming language. Features with incorrect values and unknowing information were removed. |