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Objective: hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ablation by radiofrequency (RFA) is a novel technique with a great variety of methods whose efficacy and predictive factors have not been completely studied. Some of the main predictive factors in this type of treatment are analyzed in the present study. Patients and methods: ninety-three patients with hepatocellular carcinoma over cirrhosis, and with no indication for surgical resection were treated by RFA. Two different types of electrodes were used for RFA (refrigerated-"Cool-Tip" and perfusion with saline solution, the approach was percutaneous, by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Results: overall survival at 1, 2 and 3 years was 88, 81, and 76%, with a free-disease survival (FDS) of 66, 31 and 17%, respectively. For tumors less than 3 cm, FDS at 1,2 and 3 years was 74, 44 and 30%, while for more than 3 cm in size FDS was 55, 12 and 0% (p = 0.02). FDS for HCC with one nodule was 70, 36 and 22%, and for more than one nodule it decreased to 50, 17 and 0% at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively (p = 0.07). Surprisingly, the method employed for RFA has a main influence in FDS, with 0% at 3 years for perfusion electrodes and 26% for cool-tip electrodes at the same period. Conclusions: in this series, overall survival at three years was relatively high; however, tumoral size, number of nodules and RFS method were independent variables associated with disease-free survival.Objetivo: la ablación por radiofrecuencia del hepatocarcinoma (ARF) es una técnica de reciente adquisición, cuya eficacia y factores predictivos no han sido suficientemente evaluados. El presente estudio fue diseñado para este análisis. Pacientes y métodos: se han tratado 93 pacientes con hepatocarcinoma sobre hígado cirrótico sin criterios de resección ni de trasplante hepático. El tratamiento se realizó mediante abordaje percutáneo, laparoscópico o mediante laparotomía con dos tipos de electrodos de radiofrecuencia, electrodo refrigerado y de perfusión respectivamente. Resultados: la supervivencia global a los 1, 2 y 3 años fue del 88, 81 y 76%, con una supervivencia-libre de enfermedad (SLE) de 66, 31 y 17% respectivamente. El análisis multivariante demostró tres variables predictivas independientes: tamaño tumoral (< 3 cm frente > 3 cm; SLE a 1,2 y 3 años de 74, 44 y 30%, frente a 55, 12 y 0%; HR= 2,02; IC 95% 1,10-3,70; p = 0,02), número de nódulos (uno frente a más de uno; SLE a 1,2 y 3 años de 70, 36 y 22, frente a 50, 17 y 0%; HR= 1,92 IC 95% 0,95-3,93; p = 0,07) y tipo de electrodo (refrigerado frente a perfusión; SLE 80, 43 y 26% a 1, 2 y 3 años frente a 49, 12 y 0%; HR = 2,06; IC 95% 1,12-3,79; p = 0,02). Conclusiones: a pesar de que la ARF proporciona una supervivencia global aceptable, la SLE es notablemente inferior. El tamaño del tumor, el número de nódulos y el tipo de electrodo de ARF fueron variables independientes asociadas a la SLE. |