Experimental setup of the 239Pu neutron capture and fission cross-section measurements at n_TOF, CERN

Autor: Sanchez-Caballero Adrian, Alcayne Victor, Andrzejewski Józef, Cano-Ott Daniel, Cardinaels Thomas, Dries Peter, Gawlik-Ramiega Aleksandra, González-Romero Enrique, Heyse Jan, Leinders Gregory, Martínez Trinitario, Mendoza Emilio, Moens Andre, Pérez de Rada Alberto, Perkowski Jarosław, Plompen Arjan, Paradela Carlos, Schillebeeckx Peter, Sibbens Goedele, Van Hecke Karen, Vanaken Koen, Vanleeuw David, Verguts Ken, Verwerft Marc, Wynants Ruud, Aberle Oliver, Altieri Saverio, Amaducci Simone, Babiano-Suarez Victor, Bacak Michael, Balibrea Correa Javier, Beltrami Chiara, Bennett Samuel, Bernardes Ana-Paula, Berthoumieux Eric, Beyer Roland, Boromiza Marian, Bosnar Damir, Caamaño Manuel, Calviño Francisco, Calviani Marco, Casanovas Adria, Castelluccio Donato, Cerutti Francesco, Cescutti Gabriele, Chasapoglou Sotirios, Chiaveri Enrico, Colombetti Paolo, Colonna Nicola, Console Camprini Patrizio, Cortés Guillem, Cortés-Giraldo Miguel, Cosentino Luigi, Cristallo Sergio, Dellmann, Di Castro Mario, Di Maria Salvatore, Diakaki Maria, Dietz Mirco, Domingo-Pardo César, Dressler Rugard, Dupont Emmeric, Durán Ignacio, Eleme Zinovia, Fargier Sylvain, Fernández Begoña, Fernández-Domínguez Beatriz, Finocchiaro Paolo, Fiore Salvatore, Furman Valter, García-Infantes Francisco, Gervino Gianpiero, Gilardoni Simone, Guerrero Carlos, Gunsing Frank, Gustavino Carlo, Hillman William, Jenkins David, Jericha Erwin, Junghans Arnd, Kadi Yacine, Kaperoni Kalliopi, Kaur Gurpreet, Kimura Atsushi, Knapová Ingrid, Kokkoris Michael, Kopatch Yury, Krtička Milan, Kyritsis Nikolaos, Ladarescu Ion, Lederer-Woods Claudia, Lerendegui-Marco Jorge, Lerner Giuseppe, Manna Alice, Masi Alessandro, Massimi Cristian, Mastinu Pierfrancesco, Mastromarco Mario, Maugeri Emilio-Andrea, Mazzone Annamaria, Mengoni Alberto, Michalopoulou Veatriki, Milazzo Paolo, Mucciola Riccardo, Murtas Fabrizio, Musacchio-Gonzalez Elizabeth, Musumarra Agatino, Negret Alexandru, Pérez-Maroto Pablo, Patronis Nikolas, Pavón-Rodríguez José-Antonio, Pellegriti Maria, Petrone Cristina, Pirovano Elisa, Plaza del Olmo Julio, Pomp Stephan, Porras Ignacio, Praena Javier, Quesada José-Manuel, Reifarth René, Rochman Dimitri, Romanets Yuriy, Rubbia Carlo, Sabaté-Gilarte Marta, Schumann Dorothea, Sekhar Adhitya, Smith Gavin, Sosnin Nikolay, Stamati Maria-Elisso, Sturniolo Alessandro, Tagliente Giuseppe, Tarifeño-Saldivia Ariel, Tarrío Diego, Torres-Sánchez Pablo, Vagena, Valenta Stanislav, Variale Vincenzo, Vaz Pedro, Vecchio Gianfranco, Vescovi Diego, Vlachoudis Vasilis, Vlastou Rosa, Wallner Anton, Woods Philip-John, Wright Tobias, Zarrella Roberto, Žugec Petar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 294, p 01003 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2100-014X
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202429401003
Popis: The experimental setup of the new measurement of 239Pu fission and capture cross-section in the n_TOF time-of-flight facility at CERN is presented. The measurement aims to address the needs and demands of nuclear data users. The experiment incorporates an innovative fast Fission Fragment Detector and the n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter, enabling the implementation of the fission tagging technique. Preliminary results exhibit the robust performance of the detector systems, along with the high quality of the new 239Pu samples. These samples were exclusively produced for this measurement by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Geel.
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