Review of the Book 'Către o nouă expertiză etică. Deconstruind valorile etice' [Towards a New Ethical Expertise. Deconstructing Ethical Values], Author: Ana Frunză, Lumen Publishing House, 2016 / Review of the Book 'Către o nouă expertiză etică. Deconstruind valorile etice' [Towards a New Ethical Expertise. Deconstructing Ethical Values], Author: Ana Frunză, Lumen Publishing House, 2016

Autor: Ciortea, Octavian Răzvan
Zdroj: LOGOS, UNIVERSALITY, MENTALITY, EDUCATION, NOVELTY. Section: Political Sciences and European Studies. 6(2):65-70
Databáze: Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)