Documents de Dubrovnik sur l’histoire de la Bulgarie et des Bulgares durant la periode allant du ХIIIe au ХVe siecle. Tome I (1230–1403): Edition, traduction et commentaire d’Aleksander Nikolov, Vasil Gyuzelev, Elena Kostova, Penka Danova et Simeon Hinkovski. Presses universitaires «Saint Clement d’Ohrid», Sofia, 2017. 303 p. / Dubrovnik documents on the history of Bulgaria and Bulgarians during the period from the XIIIth to the XVth century. Volume I (1230-1403)

Autor: Stoilova, Tamara
Zdroj: Bulgarian Historical Review / Revue Bulgare d'Histoire / Bulgarian Historical Review. (3-4):261-264
Databáze: Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)