Prizadevanja Rudolfa Golouha in Albina Prepeluha za udejanjenje banovinske in občinske samouprave v banskem svetu Dravske banovine 1933-1935 / The Efforts of Rudolf Golouh and Albin Prepeluh for the Implementation of the Banate and Municipality Self-management in the Ban's Council of the Drava Banate 1933-1935

Autor: Stiplovšek, Miroslav
Zdroj: Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino (before 1960: Prispevki za zgodovino delavskega gibanja) / Contributions to Contemporary History (before 1986: Contributions to the History of the Workers' Movement ). 50(1):57-74
Databáze: Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)