Guidance on the Limits for the Use of Restrictive Clauses in Commercial Lease Agreements – Once Again on Restrictions 'by Object'. Case Comment to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of 26 November 2015 SIA ‘Maxima Latvija’ v Konkurences p / Guidance on the Limits for the Use of Restrictive Clauses in Commercial Lease Agreements – Once Again on Restrictions 'by Object'. Case Comment to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of 26 November 2015 SIA ‘Maxima Latvija’ v Konkurences p

Autor: Stefanowicz, Olga
Zdroj: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (YARS). 9(14):279-291
Databáze: Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)