A New Contribution to the Discussion of Issues of Bulgarian Colloquial Speech. Радослав Цонев (2022). Българският разговорен синтаксис. Благоевград: Университетско издателство 'Неофит Рилски', 226 с. ISBN: 978-954-00-0313-9 / A New Contribution to the Discussion of Issues of Bulgarian Colloquial Speech. Radoslav Tsonev (2022). Colloquial Bulgarian Syntax. Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski University Publishing, 226 pp. ISBN: 978-954-00-0313-9

Autor: Kocheva, Ana
Zdroj: Балканско езикознание / Linguistique balkanique / Balkan Linguistics. 62(1):90-92
Databáze: Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)