Laplacian Spectrum of Super Graphs defined on Certain Non-abelian Groups

Autor: Kaushik, Varun J, Ekta, Parveen, Kumar, Jitender
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Given a graph $A$ on a group $G$ and an equivalence relation $B$ on $G$, the $B$ super$A$ graph, whose vertex set is $G$ and two vertices $g$, $h$ are adjacent if and only if there exist $g^{\prime} \in[g]$ and $h^{\prime} \in[h]$ such that $g^{\prime}$ and $h^{\prime}$ are adjacent in $A$. Recently, Dalal \emph{et al.} (Spectrum of super commuting graphs of some finite groups, \textit{Computational and Applied Mathematics}, 43(6):348, 2024) obtain the Laplacian spectrum of supercommuting graphs of certain non-abelian groups including the dihedral group and the generalized quaternion group. In this paper, we continue the study of Laplacian spectrum of certian $B$ super$A$ graphs. We obtain the Laplacian spectrum of conjugacy superenhanced power graphs of certain non-abelian groups, namely: dihedral group, generalized quaternion group and semidihedral group. Moreover to enhance the work of Dalal \emph{et al}, we obtain the Laplacian spectrum of conjugacy supercommuting graph of semidihedral group. We prove that graphs considered in this paper are $L$-integral.
Databáze: arXiv