Theory of atomic-scale direct thermometry using ESR-STM

Autor: del Castillo, Y., Fernández-Rossier, J.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Knowledge of the occupation ratio and the energy splitting of a two-level system yields a direct readout of its temperature. Based on this principle, the determination of the temperature of an individual two-level magnetic atom was demonstrated using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (ESR-STM). The temperature determination proceeds in two steps. First, energy splitting is determined using ESR-STM. Second, the equilibrium occupation of the two-level atom is determined in a resonance experiment of a second nearby atom, that has now two different resonant peaks, associated to the two states of the magnetic two-level atom. The ratio of the heights of its resonance peaks yields the occupation ratio. Here we present theory work to address three key aspects: first, we find how shot-noise and back-action limit the precision of this thermometry method; second, we study how the geometry of the nearby spins can be used to enhance signal-to-noise ratio. We predict ESR-STM thermometry can achieve a resolution of 10 mK using temperatures in the T= 1K range. Third, we show how ESR-STM thermometry can be used to detect thermal gradients as small as 5 mK/nm.
Databáze: arXiv