Isolation game on graphs

Autor: Brešar, Boštjan, Dravec, Tanja, Johnston, Daniel P., Kuenzel, Kirsti, Rall, Douglas F.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Given a graph $G$ and a family of graphs $\cal F$, an $\cal F$-isolating set, as introduced by Caro and Hansberg, is any set $S\subset V(G)$ such that $G - N[S]$ contains no member of $\cal F$ as a subgraph. In this paper, we introduce a game in which two players with opposite goals are together building an $\cal F$-isolating set in $G$. Following the domination games, Dominator (Staller) wants that the resulting $\cal F$-isolating set obtained at the end of the game, is as small (as big) as possible, which leads to the graph invariant called the game $\cal F$-isolation number, denoted $\iota_{\rm g}(G,\cal F)$. We prove that the Continuation Principle holds in the $\cal F$-isolation game, and that the difference between the game $\cal F$-isolation numbers when either Dominator or Staller starts the game is at most $1$. Considering two arbitrary families of graphs $\cal F$ and $\cal F'$, we find relations between them that ensure $\iota_{\rm g}(G,{\cal{F}}') \leq \iota_{\rm g}(G,{\cal{F}})$ for any graph $G$. A special focus is given on the isolation game, which takes place when ${\cal F}=\{K_2\}$. We prove that $\iota_{\rm g}(G,\{K_2\})\le |V(G)|/2$ for any graph $G$, and conjecture that $\lceil 3|V(G)|/7\rceil$ is the actual (sharp) upper bound. We prove that the isolation game on a forest when Dominator has the first move never lasts longer than the one in which Staller starts the game. Finally, we prove good lower and upper bounds on the game isolation numbers of paths $P_n$, which lead to the exact values $\iota_{\rm g}(P_n,\{K_2\})=\left\lfloor\frac{2n+2}{5}\right\rfloor$ when $n \equiv i \pmod 5$ and $i \in \{1,2,3\}$.
Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 18 references
Databáze: arXiv