On four-dimensional Dehn twists and Milnor fibrations

Autor: Konno, Hokuto, Lin, Jianfeng, Mukherjee, Anubhav, Muñoz-Echániz, Juan
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study the monodromy diffeomorphism of Milnor fibrations of isolated complex surface singularities, by computing the family Seiberg--Witten invariant of Seifert-fibered Dehn twists using recent advances in monopole Floer homology. More precisely, we establish infinite order non-triviality results for boundary Dehn twists on indefinite symplectic fillings of links of minimally elliptic surface singularities. Using this, we exhibit a wide variety of new phenomena in dimension four: (1) smoothings of isolated complex surface singularities whose Milnor fibration has monodromy with infinite order as a diffeomorphism but with finite order as a homeomorphism, (2) robust Torelli symplectomorphisms that do not factor as products of Dehn--Seidel twists, (3) compactly supported exotic diffeomorphisms of exotic $\mathbb{R}^4$'s and contractible manifolds.
Comment: 72 pages. Comments are welcome!
Databáze: arXiv