Channel allocation revisited through 1-extendability of graphs

Autor: Busson, Anthony, Marin, Malory, Watrigant, Rémi
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We revisit the classical problem of channel allocation for Wi-Fi access points (AP). Using mechanisms such as the CSMA/CA protocol, Wi-Fi access points which are in conflict within a same channel are still able to communicate to terminals. In graph theoretical terms, it means that it is not mandatory for the channel allocation to correspond to a proper coloring of the conflict graph. However, recent studies suggest that the structure -- rather than the number -- of conflicts plays a crucial role in the performance of each AP. More precisely, the graph induced by each channel must satisfy the so-called $1$-extendability property, which requires each vertex to be contained in an independent set of maximum cardinality. In this paper we introduce the 1-extendable chromatic number, which is the minimum size of a partition of the vertex set of a graph such that each part induces a 1-extendable graph. We study this parameter and the related optimization problem through different perspectives: algorithms and complexity, structure, and extremal properties. We first show how to compute this number using modular decompositions of graphs, and analyze the running time with respect to the modular width of the input graph. We also focus on the special case of cographs, and prove that the 1-extendable chromatic number can be computed in quasi-polynomial time in this class. Concerning extremal results, we show that the 1-extendable chromatic number of a graph with $n$ vertices is at most $2\sqrt{n}$, whereas the classical chromatic number can be as large as $n$. We are also able to construct graphs whose 1-extendable chromatic number is at least logarithmic in the number of vertices.
Comment: Extended abstract in ALGOWIN 2024
Databáze: arXiv