Imprecision plateaus in quantum steering

Autor: Svegborn, Elna, d'Alessandro, Nicola, Gühne, Otfried, Tavakoli, Armin
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study tests of quantum steering in which the trusted party does not have perfect control of their measurements. We report on steering inequalities that remain unaffacted when introducing up to a threshold magnitude of measurement imprecision. This phenomenon, which we call an imprecision plateau, thus permits a departure from the standard assumption of idealised measurements without any incuring cost to the detection power of steering experiments. We provide an explanation for why imprecision plateaus are possible, a simple criterion for their existence and tools for analysing their properties. We also demonstrate that these plateaus have natural applications when the assumption of perfect measurements is relaxed: they allow for maintaining both the noise- and loss-robustness of standard steering tests and the performance rate of idealised one-sided device-independent random number generators.
Databáze: arXiv