Externally Valid Selection of Experimental Sites via the k-Median Problem

Autor: Olea, José Luis Montiel, Prallon, Brenda, Qiu, Chen, Stoye, Jörg, Sun, Yiwei
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We present a decision-theoretic justification for viewing the question of how to best choose where to experiment in order to optimize external validity as a k-median (clustering) problem, a popular problem in computer science and operations research. We present conditions under which minimizing the worst-case, welfare-based regret among all nonrandom schemes that select k sites to experiment is approximately equal - and sometimes exactly equal - to finding the k most central vectors of baseline site-level covariates. The k-median problem can be formulated as a linear integer program. Two empirical applications illustrate the theoretical and computational benefits of the suggested procedure.
Databáze: arXiv