Tunable atomically enhanced moir\'e Berry curvatures in twisted triple bilayer graphene

Autor: Davydov, Konstantin, Zhu, Ziyan, Friedman, Noah, Gramowski, Ethan, Li, Yaotian, Tavakley, Jack, Watanabe, Kenji, Taniguchi, Takashi, Luskin, Mitchell, Kaxiras, Efthimios, Wang, Ke
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We report a twisted triple bilayer graphene platform consisting of three units of Bernal bilayer graphene (BLG) consecutively twisted at 1.49{\deg} and 1.68{\deg}. We observe inter-moir\'e Hofstadter butterflies from two co-existing moir\'e superlattices and a Hofstadter butterfly from reconstructed moir\'e-of-moir\'e lattice, and show that their Brown-Zak (BZ) oscillations quantitatively agree with each other, both evidencing strong atomic reconstruction with a lattice constant of 18.1 nm. We further demonstrate such atomic reconstruction strongly enhances the Berry curvature of each moir\'e and moir\'e-of-moir\'e band-insulator state, characterized by measured strong non-local valley Hall effect (VHE) that sensitively depends on the inter-moir\'e competition strength, tunable by manipulating the out-of-the-plane carrier distribution which controls the magnitude of the valley currents. Our study sheds new light on the microscopic mechanism of atomic and electronic reconstruction in twisted-multilayer systems, by investigating novel emergent quantum phenomena of reconstructed quasi-crystalline moir\'e-of-moir\'e superlattice, including a new type of moir\'e-of-moir\'e band-insulator states and atomically enhanced moir\'e Berry curvature. We show that the reconstructed electronic band can be versatilely tuned by electrostatics, providing an approach towards engineering the band structure and its topology for a novel quantum material platform with designer electrical and optical properties.
Databáze: arXiv