SLO-aware GPU Frequency Scaling for Energy Efficient LLM Inference Serving

Autor: Kakolyris, Andreas Kosmas, Masouros, Dimosthenis, Vavaroutsos, Petros, Xydis, Sotirios, Soudris, Dimitrios
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: As Large Language Models (LLMs) gain traction, their reliance on power-hungry GPUs places ever-increasing energy demands, raising environmental and monetary concerns. Inference dominates LLM workloads, presenting a critical challenge for providers: minimizing energy costs under Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) that ensure optimal user experience. In this paper, we present \textit{throttLL'eM}, a framework that reduces energy consumption while meeting SLOs through the use of instance and GPU frequency scaling. \textit{throttLL'eM} features mechanisms that project future KV cache usage and batch size. Leveraging a Machine-Learning (ML) model that receives these projections as inputs, \textit{throttLL'eM} manages performance at the iteration level to satisfy SLOs with reduced frequencies and instance sizes. We show that the proposed ML model achieves $R^2$ scores greater than 0.97 and miss-predicts performance by less than 1 iteration per second on average. Experimental results on LLM inference traces show that \textit{throttLL'eM} achieves up to 43.8\% lower energy consumption and an energy efficiency improvement of at least $1.71\times$ under SLOs, when compared to NVIDIA's Triton server.
Databáze: arXiv