Simulation of ultracold Bose gases with the complex Langevin method

Autor: Heinen, Philipp
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This PhD thesis gives a comprehensive treatment of ab initio lattice Monte Carlo simulations of ultracold Bose gases by means of the complex Langevin algorithm. Since the field-theoretic action of non-relativistic bosons is a complex quantity, the corresponding path integral features a complex weight and is not accessible to standard Monte Carlo techniques. The complex Langevin algorithm represents an approach to overcome this obstacle, thereby providing the intriguing possibility of numerically exact simulations of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates within the field-theoretic framework. After reviewing the coherent-state path integral description of ultracold Bose gases as well as the complex Langevin method, we present the results of simulations in several physical scenarios. While parts of the thesis are based on arXiv:2204.10661 and arXiv:2304.05699 that treat the 3D and 2D homogeneous gas with contact interactions, it contains additional material covering external trapping potentials as well as Bose gases with long-range dipolar interactions.
Comment: PhD thesis, partially based on arXiv:2204.10661 and arXiv:2304.05699
Databáze: arXiv