Unextendible entanglement of quantum channels

Autor: Singh, Vishal, Wilde, Mark M.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Quantum communication relies on the existence of high quality quantum channels to exchange information. In practice, however, all communication links are affected by noise from the environment. Here we investigate the ability of quantum channels to perform quantum communication tasks by restricting the participants to use only local operations and one-way classical communication (one-way LOCC) along with the available quantum channel. In particular, a channel can be used to distill a highly entangled state between two parties, which further enables quantum or private communication. In this work, we invoke the framework of superchannels to study the distillation of a resourceful quantum state, such as a maximally entangled state or a private state, using multiple instances of a point-to-point quantum channel. We use the idea of $k$-extendibility to obtain a semidefinite relaxation of the set of one-way LOCC superchannels and define a class of entanglement measures for quantum channels that decrease monotonically under such superchannels; therefore these measures, dubbed collectively the ``unextendible entanglement of a channel'', yield upper bounds on several communication-theoretic quantities of interest in the regimes of resource distillation and zero error. We then generalize the formalism of $k$-extendibility to bipartite superchannels, thus obtaining functions that are monotone under two-extendible superchannels. This allows us to analyze probabilistic distillation of ebits or secret key bits from a bipartite state when using a resourceful quantum channel. Moreover, we propose semidefinite programs to evaluate several of these quantities, providing a computationally feasible method of comparison between quantum channels for resource distillation.
Comment: 32+13 pages, 8 figures
Databáze: arXiv