A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. XI. Radio source catalog IV: $2^\circ < \ell < 28^\circ$, $36^\circ < \ell < 60^\circ$ and $|b| < 1^\circ$

Autor: Medina, S. -N. X., Dzib, S. A., Urquhart, J. S., Yang, A. Y., Brunthaler, A., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F., Cotton, W. D., Cheema, A., Dokara, R., Gong, Y., Khan, S., Nguyen, H., Ortiz-Leon, G. N., Rugel, M. R., Veena, V. S., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Pandian, J. D., Roy, N.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The GLOSTAR survey studies star formation with the VLA and the Effelsberg 100m telescope in the Galactic plane (-2dComment: 21 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables, accepted to be published in the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. V2 Includes language editor corrections
Databáze: arXiv