Quantum beats of a macroscopic polariton condensate in real space

Autor: Cherbunin, R. V., Liubomirov, A., Novokreschenov, D., Kudlis, A., Kavokin, A. V.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We experimentally observe harmonic oscillations in a bosonic condensate of exciton-polaritons confined within an elliptical trap. These oscillations arise from quantum beats between two size-quantized states of the condensate, split in energy due to the trap's ellipticity. By precisely targeting specific spots inside the trap with non-resonant laser pulses, we control the frequency, amplitude, and phase of these quantum beats. The condensate wavefunction dynamics are visualized on a streak camera and mapped to the Bloch sphere, demonstrating Hadamard and Pauli-Z operations. We conclude that a qubit based on a superposition of these two polariton states would exhibit a coherence time exceeding the lifetime of an individual exciton-polariton by at least two orders of magnitude.
Databáze: arXiv