ABB theorems: Results and limitations in infinite dimensions

Autor: Daniilidis, Aris, de Bernardi, Carlo, Miglierina, Enrico
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We construct a weakly compact convex subset of $\ell^2$ with nonempty interior that has an isolated maximal element, with respect to the lattice order $\ell _+^2$. Moreover, the maximal point cannot be supported by any strictly positive functional, showing that the Arrow-Barankin-Blackwell theorem fails. This example discloses the pertinence of the assumption that the cone has a bounded base for the validity of the result in infinite dimensions. Under this latter assumption, the equivalence of the notions of strict maximality and maximality is established
Databáze: arXiv