A$^3$COSMOS: the dust mass function and dust mass density at $0.5
Autor: Traina, A., Magnelli, B., Gruppioni, C., Delvecchio, I., Parente, M., Calura, F., Bisigello, L., Feltre, A., Pozzi, F., Vallini, L.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Context. Although dust in galaxies represents only a few percent of the total baryonic mass, it plays a crucial role in the physical processes occurring in galaxies. Studying the dust content of galaxies, particularly at high$-z$, is therefore crucial to understand the link between dust production, obscured star formation and the build-up of galaxy stellar mass. Aims. To study the dust properties (mass and temperature) of the largest Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)-selected sample of star-forming galaxies available from the archive (A$^3$COSMOS) and derive the dust mass function and dust mass density of galaxies from $z=0.5\,-\,6$. Methods. We performed spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with the CIGALE code to constrain the dust mass and temperature of the A$^3$COSMOS galaxy sample, thanks to the UV-to-near-infrared photometric coverage of each galaxies combined with the ALMA (and Herschel when available) coverage of the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of their dust-continuum emission. We then computed and fitted the dust mass function by combining the A$^3$COSMOS and state-of-the-art {\it Herschel} samples, in order to obtain the best estimate of the integrated dust mass density up to $z \sim 6$. Results. Galaxies in \a3 have dust masses between $\sim 10^8$ and $\sim 10^{9.5}$ M$_{\odot}$. From the SED fitting, we were also able to derive a dust temperature, finding that the distribution of the dust temperature peaks at $\sim 30-35$K. The dust mass function at $z=0.5\,-\,6$ evolves with an increase of $M^*$ and decrease of the number density ($\Phi ^*$) and is in good agreement with literature estimates. The dust mass density shows a smooth decrease in its evolution from $z \sim 0.5$ to $z \sim 6$, which is steeper than what is found by models at $z \gtrsim 2$.
Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication on A&A
Databáze: arXiv