A grid of self-consistent MSG (MARCS-StaticWeather-GGchem) cool stellar, sub-stellar, and exoplanetary model atmospheres

Autor: Jørgensen, Uffe G., Amadio, Flavia, Estrada, Beatriz Campos, Møller, Kristian Holten, Schneider, Aaron D., Balduin, Thorsten, D'Alessandro, Azzurra, Symeonidou, Eftychia, Helling, Christiane, Nordlund, Åke, Woitke, Peter
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: A&A 690, A127 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202450108
Popis: Computation of a grid of self consistent 1D model atmospheres of cool stars, sub-stellar objects and exoplanets in the effective temperature range 300K to 3000K, including cloud formation, chemical non-equilibrium effects, and stellar irradiation. The models are called MSG, because they are based on an iterative coupling between three well tested codes, the MARCS stellar atmosphere code, the StaticWeather cloud formation code and the GGchem chemical equilibrium code. It includes up-to-date molecular and atomic opacities, cloud formation and advanced chemical equilibrium calculations, and involves new numerical methods at low temperatures to allow robust convergence. The coupling between the MARCS radiative transfer and GGchem chemical equilibrium computations has made it possibly effectively to reach convergence based on electron pressure for the warmer models and gas pressure for the cooler models, enabling self-consistent modelling of stellar, sub-stellar and exoplanetary objects in a very wide range of effective temperatures. Here we describe the basic details of the models, with illustrative examples of cloudy and irradiated models as well as models based on non-equilibrium chemistry. The qualitative changes in the relative abundances of TiO, H2O, CH4, NH3, and other molecules in our models follow the observationally defined M, L, T (and Y) sequences, but reveal more complex and depth dependent abundance changes, and therefore a spectral classification depending on more parameters. The self consistent coupling to Static-Weather cloud computations, allows detailed comparison between nucleation and observed relative dimming of different spectral bands, with advanced applications for new identification methods of potential exoplanetary biology.
Databáze: arXiv