Renormalization of the valley Hall conductivity due to interparticle interaction

Autor: Eliseev, D. S., Parafilo, A. V., Kovalev, V. M., Kibis, O. V., Savenko, I. G.
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. B 110, L041301 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.L041301
Popis: We develop a theory of Coulomb interaction-mediated contribution to valley Hall effect (VHE) in two-dimensional non-centrosymmetric gapped Dirac materials. We assume that the bare valley Hall current occurs in the system due to the presence of disorder caused by impurities and is determined by the valley-selective anisotropic skew scattering. Applying the Boltzmann transport equation to describe the electron and hole transport in the material, we calculate the renormalized VHE conductivity due to electron-electron and electron-hole scattering processes, considering two regimes: (i) an $n$-doped monolayer hosting a degenerate electron gas, and (ii) an intrinsic semiconductor with the Boltzmann statistics of electron and hole gases. In both regimes, the dominant mechanism of interparticle scattering is due to particles residing in different valleys. Moreover, in case (ii), in addition to direct scattering, electron-hole annihilation starts to play a role with the increase in temperature. It might even become the dominant mechanism of the Coulomb interaction-mediated VHE.
Comment: Published version
Databáze: arXiv